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Cosplaying 101- Step 8: Posing

Welcome back to the Cosplaying 101 series, a beginners guide to the basics of cosplay. Today we are discussing step 8, posing (see full list at the bottom on this post). When I first started out I had no clue about the importance of posing. It was my first day at Dragoncon and when people asked to take a picture of me, I would just stand there and smile. Huge mistake! All of my pictures from that day make me look like a dopey dope. When I watched other people pose, they would strike these awesome stances where they looked incredible. That was when I realized the importance of posing.

Figure out Your Pose

When figuring out what pose to select, start out by looking up pictures of your character. What is their typical stance? What is their facial expression?

Figure out your character's personality traits. Are they sexy? Then you need a sultry pose. Is your character bubbly? Then you should probably kick a leg up. Is your character evil, make sure your face reflects that. Is your character insane? Tilting your head and having a blank stare will make you look deranged.

Also look up pictures of other cosplayers who have done that character. I don't like to to rely too heavily on this, but when you are a beginner, it is a great technique until you can figure out how to create your own poses.

Come up with a secondary pose. (Maybe you have one you do when you have a lot of space vs. very little space)

Come up with a pose to do with others.


People may ask you to pose for a picture a lot, so make sure you know what pose you are doing well.

Practice your pose in a mirror, that way you can perfect it.

When you are ready, have someone take a picture of you while you are posing, especially when you are in the makeup and clothing. Check to make sure you can see the features of your face. Check parts of your body that you are self conscious about, do they look okay in the picture? Check for double boobs, too much cleavage, snake face, moose knuckle, camel toe etc.

Check to make sure none of your goodies are showing

Posing tips

Remember 3/4. 3/4 is when you are halfway between facing the camera straight on and profile.This is a very flattering angle for your body and it also adds more interest. I almost always pose at 3/4 unless I am doing an aggressive coming at the camera pose.

Move your arms and hands. Unless your character calls for it, don't you dare leave your hands by your side. Move your arms up, even if you just put them at your waist. Also figure out what your fingers are doing. Are they tense or soft? This will depend on your character's personality.

Move your legs. It is less necessary than moving your arms, but it adds energy to the picture. Try lunging either toward the camera or away.

Incorporate a weapon or prop into your pose, it gives you something to do with your hands. Or pretend to use your power (fire bending, mind control, force push) at the camera.


Jumping poses look really cool, but your face may look flicted. Also you may become tired

Make sure you have enough balance to do whatever pose you are planning on

where will you put your items

Here is a list of all the steps in this series (the current step is highlighted):

Cosplaying 101 Steps

1. Selecting a Character

2. Research

3. Designing Your Cosplay/ Listing Materials

4. Reconnaissance/ Gathering Materials

5. Making Your Cosplay

6. Test Driving/ Revisions

7. Extras and Props

8. Posing

9. Wearing Your Cosplay

10. Cleaning and Storing Your Cosplays

What character's pose is your favorite?

What pose do you wish you could do, but can't yet?

If you have any questions or comment feel free to leave them in the comment section below.

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